Mar 29, 2011

Taylor is Graduating!


My cousin Taylor is graduating from high school!

She was kind enough to ask me to design some announcements for her. Here's a little glimpse.


These cards were screen printed with a gorgeous red infused purple, one of Taylor's favorite shades of purple...and mine too.

twenty eleven

I love the texture that is created by the dried paint.
The handmade aspect gives it a nice personal touch.


I really enjoy the play between the typographical forces in this print. The type allows for variety in a solo color print.


The prints came in droves.


Printed quick and painless.


One of my favorite things about printing is mixing my own colors to print with.


Speaking of color, here is my next clue.

clue #3


These lovely swatches are used as a formula guide for mixing PANTONE specific colors.


The swatches work exceptionally well with Von Son rubber based inks.


Samson is a little anxious to use them.

swatch fans

Worse comes to worse, I can use them to cool myself off in the summer.

Mar 23, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day!


My goal was to make the top design into a poster but this design felt a little barren to be turned into a large print.


I love this composer. Coincidentally he also wrote the music for one of my favorite TV shows.

you talkin' to me

cheddar biscuit

Mar 22, 2011

Celebration fit for the Appetite of a King


Tyrone got to stay home and man the fort.

Er... dog the fort?

Anyway, he kept the burglars away.

I eventually made it up to spokane and did a lot of window shopping.

I also returned a horrible rice cooker to Kohl's. It consistently burned my rice and constantly overflowed. Kohl's was kind enough to give me a gift card with the amount that it was currently on sale for and not the purchased price. Unfortunately, after 47 minutes in the store, I couldn't find anything else for $7.99
Needless to say my trips to these two stores were much more enjoyable.

As 5 o'clock rolled around I decided we were ready for linner.

(lunch + dinner = linner)


My friends Austin and Laura have been raving about this place to me, so I decided we needed to see it for ourselves.

I made it just in time for happy hour. To my delight, all of the food on the menu was $5 during happy hour.

ginger ale

grapefruit shots

rum and coke


The inside Zola was in a word, fantastic. Note the old roller coaster bucket seats used for seating upstairs, and the individual rooms that can be partitioned with sliding barn doors, and these weren't the only repurposed items. There was also a "boat seat" and a shower head in place of the faucet in the bathroom.

Being that it was happy hour AND the tasty menu items were only $5 a pop AND I hadn't eaten since earlier that morning ... We might have gotten a little carried away.


First came the Italian sausage, prosciutto, and brie stuffed "pigs in a blanket"

shrimp purse

Then came the wonton purses filled with chinese cabbage and shrimp.

covered bread


Then came the olive, chicken and cheese stuffed quesadilla.


Followed by the horseradish sliders. My personal favorite. Obviously we didn't finish it all, but the leftovers made for a fun cleaning adventure in the car!






ty man

And Tyrone is a little trooper for tagging along on all of our adventures.



We took a little gander at this hotel. The first Hotel in the country with running water.

rotating door

I'm a sucker for rotating doors. Of course there's always that moment that you're in there with someone else.

"If we get stuck in here I'm eating you. I get hypoglycemic."


Isn't this fun packaging from this store?


I also liked this jar of multicolored peppercorn.


I also love asian hot wings.


And Curried Chicken noodles.


Mar 17, 2011

Time travel and other moving adventures


It has been a crazy few days. It all started last weekend when I drove up to Wenatchee to help my parents pack some boxes for their impending move. I got a little too excited when I found "party poppers" from 8 New Years Eve parties ago. Above are the projectile remnants (the best part of course)


My parent's dog Stache has grown rather large in the 4 months they've had him. He's already bigger than Tyrone.


I'm sure Tyrone would beg to differ.



This is the infamous orange bell that patients insist on ringing, even if you're right there on the phone ready to help them at the drop of a hat. However, sometimes, when I'm the only one in the office..I ring it myself. It somehow demands it.



And Friday is always right on time.


Fortunately, while I'm not at work I have things to keep me busy. Like this old time machine that I moved in the middle of the night with a tow truck.

I hope your St. Patricks day was filled with green things.

Mar 8, 2011

Mrs. Peacock in the Library with the Revolver


As promised, I am posting my first CLUE today. Unfortunately mine doesn't involve Tim Curry.

Meet Samson.
Unlike the original Samson my sturdy guy doesn't posses any long locks that (if cut) might vanquish his strength.

He is solid.


Not only is he tall dark and handsome, but he also has some pretty awesome moves. And yet he himself is very difficult to move...being 1,500 pounds.


He is ready to move tons (literally) of paper.

bottom rollers

He's ready to roll.


And only time will tell what we're capable of with our powers combined.


chicken shrimp pad thai

It was tasty and complemented perfectly by a squeeze of lime!


Sunday was wonderful because for the first time in months Tyrone wasn't the only one able to take a nap in the middle of the day.


And you know it can't be a bad day when you get to have a tasty bowl of Life for breakfast. Especially when eaten out of a fantastic Coca-Cola bowl initially spied at this place by my red bearded friend, David.