Apr 19, 2011

A walking Zombie

hot dog

My last ounces of energy linger on my finger tips as I type this post. Today I am a walking Zombie. Tyrone has no idea what that's like because he takes several naps a day. This make me very jealous sometimes.

A few weeks ago after the second BFA show a few buddies and I went out for a treat. As if our little slurpiees weren't enough we proceeded to Dairy Queen.


Growing up I was deathly afraid of the cherry dipped cone. I naturally assumed it would taste like a nasty chewable cherry tylenol. Thankfully, I've since reformed my thinking and I sleep peacefully at night knowing how great it is that the cherry dipped flavor resembles that of maraschino cherries and not cherry tylenol.

I wasn't the only one who got something to eat. Abby got a little cheeseburger and some fries, both of which smelled delicious.


Elizabeth had a totally separate concoction going on.
Or so we were lead to believe.

Speaking of Abby and the Urchin, this week we get to experience Abby's new TV complete with a Thai dinner and Elizabeth's famous sweet potato fries. I'm sure I'll have photos of this event to come.

This past weekend was crazy as per usual but I was sad to miss out on a Paul Simon concert that happened last friday in Seattle and a MOVITS concert on Sunday.

We saw this movie. It was worth seeing.

What were some of it's fortes?

1. Excellent editing.

2. Well executed chiasm.

3. Chemical Brothers = soundtrack.

4. Chase scenes.

5. Exceptional acting.


The weather was so nice Tyrone got to hang out in the car with the windows down and a paw full of squeak toys.


That of course didn't keep him from getting into mischief.


Needless to say I got a new straw.

I'm off to work in a few minutes but until next time, adieu.

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